Please read before referring a patient
Please make one referral to either Steps2Wellbeing or the Community Mental Health Team (CMHT).
This will ensure that your patient gets the help they need quicker and that communication between teams is more effective.
How to refer to Steps2Wellbeing
GPs and other healthcare professionals in Dorset and Southampton City can refer patients using our online form.
Alternatively, patients can refer themselves via our online referral form, through our interactive chatbot Wysa or over the telephone.
We accept referrals for:
Patients over 18 registered with a GP in Dorset or Southampton City
Patients with mild to moderate depression or anxiety symptoms
Patients with a long-term physical health condition or physical symptoms that affect their mental wellbeing
Patients having employment issues
We do not accept referrals for:
Patients under 18
Bipolar disorder
Significant / high risk of harm to self or others or self-neglect
Psychotic symptoms
Personality disorders
Eating disorders which require specialist services
Drug or alcohol problems which require specialist services
Complex or atypical depression